Buddha Dordenma

Great Buddha Dordenma is a gigantic Shakyamuni Buddha statue in the mountainsof Bhutan celebrating the 60th anniversaryof fourth king Jigme Singye Wangchuck.The statue houses over one hundredthousand smaller Buddha statues, each ofwhich, like the Great Buddha Dordenmaitself, are made of bronze and gilded ingold. The Great Buddha Dordenma issited amidst the ruins of Kuensel Phodrang,the palace of Sherab Wangchuck, thethirteenth Desi Druk , overlooking thesouthern approach to Thimphu , the capitalof Bhutan. Construction began in 2006 andwas planned to finish in October 2010,however construction did not conclude until25 September 2015. The completed work isone of the largest Buddha rupas in theworld, at 54 metres (177 ft) and contains100,000: 8-inch-tall and 25,000: 12-inch-tall gilded bronze Buddhas.

The statue was constructed at a cost of
millions USD paid to Aerosun Corporation of
Nanjing, China, Sponsorship from
Singaporean, while the total cost of the
entire project is well over millions of USD
Men Supporter from Singaporean, the
interior will accommodate respectively.
Ground floor of Biggest Buddha Statues :
in Backside centre Buddha Shakyamuni
Statues 7ft tall, and right Sharibu, left
Mongalbu 6ft tall, and 16 Arhats, and
Genyin-Dharmata, King Hashang make by
Clays gold paint and Silk cover. Pemalingpa,
Zhabdrung, all of Status 5ft tall, Centre
following eight Pillars Guru Padmasomabava,
Dakini Mendarawa, Dakini Yeshe Tshogel,
Guru Tshoke Dorje, Guru Shakyasenge, Guru
Padmasamva, Guru Loden Chokse, Guru
Padma Gyelpo, Guru Nyima Oizer, Guru
Senge Dradog, Guru Dorje Droloe, all of
Status 5ft tall gold gilded make by bronze.
wall painting 5meter hight by 220 meters
long internal over 1000 defends live peruse
history of Buddha Shakyamunis, and 12 inch
Buddha puts surrounding in the wall.
First floor centre Four Face Buddha Kuenrig
Namparnangzad 12ft tall, Eight
Boddhisatovas: Menzusir Jamyang, Vajrapani
Chanadoje, Avaloketeshora Chenrezig,
Cintigarba Sainyingpo,
Sarwanevaranavescamven Dripanamsey,
Asakagarba Namkhainyingpo, Metrea
Jampagonpo, Samantabadra Kuntuzangpo. All
of Statues are 18ft tall make by bronze and
gold plated. Wall painting tells 12 history of
Buddha Shakyamuni, and 12inch Buddha
puts surrounding in the wall.

Third Floor Eight Medicine Buddhas : King
Vendurya, King Shakyamuni, King Amitava,
King Ngonkhen, King Drayang, King
Serzang, King Drime-Nangwa, King Tshenlek,
all 5ft tall gold gilded make by bronze.
Fourth Floor Backside centre Guru
Ngangsid-zilnoen, Heroka Kagad, Heroka
Gongdue, Heroka Vazarkilaya, Guru
Horsokmarkdok, Vajradara-Dechok, Kurukule
Lhamoriggadma, Vajrayogini-Dorjephakmo,
Guru Rigzindakpo all 7ft tall standing Make
by Clay painting Gold. Front centre chamber
Sevens Reunion Buddhas: Namparzig,
Tsuktorchen, Thamchadchob, Khorwajig,
Serthub, Oisung, Shakyamuni, and right lift
chamber : 12 Buddha Shakyamuni History
Buddha’s Mother, Siddhartha’s waiting,
Crown Price, Buddha-hoot so forth all 5ft
tall of Status gold gilded make by bronze.
Fifth Floor Centre Samentabadra Kunzang
yabyum, Verochana Namnag yabyum,
Vazarsatova Dorsem yabyum, Radnasambava
Rinjung Yabyum, Amitava Oipakmed yabyum,
Amukasidhi Doendrub yabyum, Amitayus
Tshepakmed yabyum, Avaloketeshora
Chenrezig Gylwagyamtsho yabyum,
Vajradara Dorchang Yabyum, all 5ft tall
Make by Clay gold painting.

The interior will accommodate respectively
Country and Names of sponsors : Americans,
Australians, Bhutanese, Brazils, Brunei,
Burmese, Canadians, Cambodians, Chinese,
Dubai, Germany, Hong Kong, Holland, Indian,
Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, London,
Macao, Malaysian, Singaporean, Spain,
Switzerland, Taiwanese, Thailand, and
Vietnamese are displayed in the meditation
hall which forms the throne of the Great
Buddha Dordenma.
Apart from commemorating the centennial
of the Bhutanese monarchy, it fulfills two
prophecies. In the twentieth century, the
renowned Terdak Lingpa Massages send to
yogi Sonam Zangpo form Senge Dzong, but
Massages no received his hand was yogi
Sonam Zangpo pas away, 12 years after
purviews Massages received by His Holiness
70th Jekhenpo of Bhutan on 1999.
Prophesied that a large statue of either
Guru Padmasambhava, Buddha or of a
(Vajrakilaya) phurba would be built in the
region to bestow blessings, peace and
happiness on the world. Additionally,
Building area region between Wong - Paro,
the statue is mentioned in the ancient
terma of Guru Padmasambhava himself,
said to date from approximately the sixth
century, and recovered some 672 years ago
by terton Dorje Lingpa was born in 1346.
And 104 years After 568 years ago by
terton Pema Lingpa.
Under the eyes of the Buddha statue, the
Kuensel Phodrang nature park formally
opened in 2011. Kuensel Phodrang Land of
Buddha area 145 acres was a gift to Monks
Body of Bhutan all Bhutanese for
gathering area by King of Bhutan. The park
conserves 798.4 acres of forest area that
surrounds the Buddha Dordenma statue and
houses two public outdoor gymnasiums which
opened in 2015.


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